IT Decommission: Ensuring Data Security and Brand Protection
Don’t Take Chances with Your Next Decommission Project.
No one wants to be the next big data breach. And because data is one of your company’s most valuable assets, you must guard it by whatever means necessary.
What happens when you start decommissioning units and recycling EOL hardware? You already spend a great deal of time, money, and human resources defending your active data. Why let that work and investment go to waste by failing to administer the same security diligence for data after its hosting hardware has been phased out of your facilities? You may no longer need those units, but that doesn’t mean your data security responsibilities end there. Rather, you should secure the residual data with the same dedication with which you safeguard your active hardware and data (because we all know how ugly data breaches can be).
Protect Your Brand: Decom the Right Way
In IT Decommission: Ensuring Data Security and Brand Protection we go over the importance of a proper decommission project, the IT asset disposition (ITAD) process, choosing the right people for the job and what to consider after the IT decommission. Fill out the form to read the e-book.
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