Responsible IT Asset Disposition and Its Impact On Carbon Emissions

We invite you to take a moment and consider the environmental impact your organization could make by committing to responsible ITAD practices. More than 50 million tons of e-waste is generated annually worldwide. By partnering with a certified electronics recycler and IT asset disposition service provider, like CentricsIT, you can ensure your retired IT equipment never contributes to this environmental epidemic.

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Responsible IT Asset Disposition Infographic

From computer monitors, to laptops, to PCs and cell phones, each one of these devices has a tremendous effect on the environment when it comes to recycling and proper disposal. This infographic exposes the impact that you can make on the environment by properly disposing of these devices.

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How CentricsIT Curbs Hardware Waste, Helps The Earth

In an interview with ITBestOfBreed, Patrick Keuller (pictured), Executive Vice President of Global Services for CentricsIT, talked about how CentricsIT helps clients properly dispose of e-waste through its IT asset distribution (ITAD) services and reseller services for those assets that still have useful life remaining.

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4 Ways to Make Your Data Center More Energy Efficient

Although data center efficiency has significantly advanced over the past decade, the most progress has been recorded around facility and equipment efficiencies. But there are solutions that impact consumption and carbon footprint. Check out four ways to make data centers more energy efficient.

Use this calculator to estimate the amount of carbon emissions your company can reduce by properly disposing your unused IT assets.


No one wants to be the next big data breach—especially through your old data storage assets.

Learn how to protect your company's reputation and data during the decommissioning process with this free comprehensive guide to secure ITAD.