CentricsIT provides full-service data center decommissioning for financial giant


The client is a finance company with more than 27,000 employees. It was undergoing a full data center closure and needed a partner that could unrack a thousand assets including servers, network and storage equipment. It also needed a partner to unbolt and remove more than 100 racks, remove more than 3,000 pounds of cable, shred more than 2,000 drives onsite, provide secure transportation to processing facility, and recycle or resell its assets. On top of this daunting project, a portion of the assets were customer-owned and needed to be shipped back to the customer.


Because of the highly regulated nature of financial data, the client needed a partner that could perform a detailed and thorough audit and provide certificates of recycling and data sanitization to ensure that all equipment underwent proper data sanitization and disposal.

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