Why Corporate E-Recycling Matters
Modern businesses are expected to do more than make money—they are supposed to use their power and position to do something more. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) initiatives have been gaining ground as the public demands companies to be greener, to be socially-minded, and to be more responsible with [...]
Why Data Center Decommissioning is Better with an ITAD Provider
Decommissioning a data center is a complex task that requires careful planning, precise execution, and strict adherence to security and environmental regulations. Many organizations managing this process partner with an IT asset disposition (ITAD) provider to help ease the process and provide support for internal teams. ITAD providers streamline [...]
Understanding DOD vs. NIST vs. IEEE Requirements for Data Destruction
Choosing Data Destruction Guidelines Choosing the right data destruction guideline to abide by can be difficult. The three main ITAD guidelines currently in use are DoD 5220.22-M, NIST 800-88 and IEEE 2883-2022. DoD 5220.22-M and NIST 800-88 were created by the government, for the government, before being picked up [...]
Finding the Right Hard Drive Destruction Service
Data is a company’s most valuable asset, and while businesses spend billions each year protecting their active IT assets, decommissioned assets can easily be forgotten. Whether you're a business or an individual, finding a reliable hard drive destruction service is essential to safeguarding your data and protecting your privacy. Industry-Standard [...]
How To Destroy a Hard Drive
Data protection is a multibillion-dollar industry. Businesses and individuals alike live in fear of a data breach, but not all take the measures to ensure that the data in their End-of-Life assets is protected. Hard drive destruction is the most effective way to prevent a data breach, and for [...]
How Does Recycling eScrap Work?
As people and businesses have come to rely on technology, electronic scrap (eScrap) has become an increasingly large issue. Recycling eScrap keeps this waste out of landfills and recovers valuable components. The History of eScrap Regulation eScrap was first regulated in the United States in 1976 with [...]
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CentricsIT Named Exporter of the Year by Georgia Department of Economic Development.
CentricsIT Named Exporter of the Year by Georgia Department of Economic Development. ATLANTA December 13, 2021 – The Georgia Department of Economic Development recognized CentricsIT as an Exporter of the Year as part of [...]
CentricsIT Named to CRN’s 2021 Solution Provider 500 List
A Global leader in IT lifecycle management recognized on prestigious CRN 2021 Solution Provider 500 list for the fourteenth consecutive year Atlanta, GA, October 5, 2021 – CRN®, a brand of The Channel Company, has [...]
CentricsIT Supports George Chmiel in 135-mile Ultramarathon
CentricsIT supports George Chmiel as he races to benefit Homes for Our Troops ATLANTA, July 16, 2021 – CentricsIT is excited to announce its sponsorship of George Chmiel, as he conquers a 135-mile ultramarathon [...]
CentricsIT Announces Further European Expansion with Office in Bucharest, Romania
CentricsIT announces further European expansion with its new office in Bucharest, Romania. ATLANTA, January 29th, 2021 – CentricsIT, an award-winning IT lifecycle management solutions provider headquartered in Atlanta, GA, has announced the opening of [...]